DECIMAL CS has developed methodologies for end-to-end testing of cutting-edge frameworks, and has sufficient presentation to testing of systems by utilizing customer’s in-house strategies. DECIMAL CS gives vigorous audit, testing and change control techniques, guaranteeing savvy, quick and quality deliverables through a worldwide conveyance model comprising of on location, close shore and onsite/offshore execution.

DECIMAL CS framework encourages speedy increase/down of assets focused around customer needs, requirements, and results in noteworthy general time and expense diminishments. Clients can make use of the time zone variations to evolve project schedules, achieving round the clock productivity.

DECIMAL CS fulfils all prerequisites recognized by the Gartner Group as crucial to a top-notch offshore vendor, including:

  • Proven track record
  • Experienced on-site project management
  • Solid quality program
  • Disciplined methodology
  • State-of-the-art offshore Infrastructure
  • Matching client skills and project requirements
  • Adequate number of qualified resources
  • Ability to mirror user’s processes and standards

Testing Services

As business environment gets to be more dynamic, there is need to shrink the product release cycles while overseeing expenses and risks. DECIMAL CS addresses these issues through a complete scope of testing administrations. We offer autonomous testing services spanning the entire software release lifecycle. This incorporates figuring the test plan & test cases, execution, defect analysis, risk assessments and recommendations. DECIMAL CS’s quality affirmation administration helps clients convey software with certainty and contend better in the business sector.

Collaborating with DECIMAL CS helps clients influence upon DECIMAL CS’s involvement in testing business applications (as shown below) on different platforms and technologies. We provide testing services with in the targeted domains of monetary services, manufacturing, hi-technology, education, and healthcare; while supporting technologies such as .NET, J2EE, Mainframes and Open Source.

Make your software receptive to modern challenges with Decimal – the cutting-edge software testing company.

Software testing is a process of determining whether the actual software product meets the expected demands and making sure that the software product is free of defects. It entails the use of manual or automated tools to execute software/system components in order to evaluate properties of interest. The objective of software testing is to find mistakes, gaps, or missing requirements in comparison to the actual requirements.

Why software testing is important?

Software testing is important because faults or problems in software can be found early and fixed before the software product is delivered. Properly tested software assures dependability, security, and excellent performance, which saves time, and money and increases customer satisfaction.

What are the benefits of software testing?

Here are the benefits of software testing:

  • Security: It is the weakest and most delicate advantage of software testing. People want trustworthy products. It aids in the prevention of dangers and difficulties.
  • Cost-Effective: It is one of the most significant benefits of software testing. Testing any IT project on time allows you to save money in the long run. It is less expensive to fix issues discovered during the early stages of software testing.
  • Product Quality: It is a need for any software product. Testing guarantees that buyers receive a high-quality product.
  • Customer Satisfaction: The primary goal of any product is to satisfy its clients. UI/UX testing guarantees that users have the greatest possible experience.

Types of Software Testing

There are various sorts of software tests, each with its own set of goals and strategies:

  • Integration Testing: Assuring that software components or functionalities work in tandem.
  • Acceptance Testing: Checking that the entire system functions as it should.
  • Unit testing: Ensuring that each software unit functions as intended. A unit is an application’s smallest testable component.
  • Functional Testing: Functions are tested by simulating business situations based on functional requirements. Black-box testing is a popular method for verifying routines.
  • Performance Testing: Examining how the software works under various workloads. Load testing, for example, is used to assess performance under real-world loads.
  • Stress Testing: Testing how much strain the system can withstand before failing. This is a sort of non-functional testing.
  • Usability Testing: Validating a customer’s ability to use a system or web application to perform a task.

Validating base requirements is a vital examination in each case. Similarly, exploratory testing assists a tester or testing team in identifying difficult-to-predict scenarios and conditions that can lead to software faults.

Even a simple application might be subjected to a plethora of tests. A test management plan assists in determining which forms of testing deliver the greatest value based on available time and resources. Running the fewest number of tests to uncover the greatest number of problems maximizes testing effectiveness.

Web testing in software testing

Before releasing a web application to end users, it must be thoroughly tested. Web testing is the process of testing web applications or websites to find errors and bugs. Also, web application testing does not only mean to find common bugs or errors but also to test the quality-related risks associated with the application.

What is mobile application testing?

Mobile application testing is a procedure of testing apps designed for mobile devices. The primary goal is to evaluate the programs’ functionality, usability, and stability. It involves a wide range of application testing and evaluation approaches, including normal software testing as well as mobile-platform-specific testing procedures.

Mobile app testing is critical for an app’s survival in today’s industry. To ensure the best possible quality for end-users, the application is additionally tested in terms of performance, security, and user interface.

Importance of mobile app testing

In today’s app development situation, programs must be tested across multiple mobile devices and operating systems to ensure compatibility, usability, and consistency. Automation testing can be used to create apps that are scalable and accessible across numerous platforms.

Because manual testing is time-consuming, expensive, and prone to errors, it makes sense to use automation for a variety of repetitive tasks, such as regression and performance testing.

Automated testing will help testers swiftly check for mistakes, defects, and vulnerabilities in the application’s new or recent upgrades or changes. Furthermore, it assists them in:

  • Conduct tests on numerous devices at the same time.
  • Repurpose tests.
  • Obtain expanded coverage.
  • Achieve a higher ROI

With the emergence of mobile applications as a major tool for any business in the current digital age, many mobile app testing services are available in the market, providing enterprises with a wide range of services to choose from.

Software Development Testing service from Decimal

It is a means of applying consistent testing practices throughout the software development life cycle process. This testing ensures the detection of flaws or problems at the appropriate time, thereby delaying any type of risk in terms of time and expense.

The goal of development testing is to create a framework for determining if the requirements of a given project are met in conformity with the rules of the mission to be completed. During the initial phase of the software development lifecycle, software developers or other engineers execute this testing (SDLC). Development testing is an ongoing or continuous procedure in the development of a product across the software development life cycle.

Benefits of development testing

  • Aids in the reduction of software faults
  • Aids in boosting the efficiency of the software development life cycle (SDLC)
  • Accelerate the delivery procedure
  • It provides high-quality code at all times since the code is constantly tested
  • It takes less time to introduce new features to the market

What is QA testing?

Quality Assurance in Software Testing is described as a technique used to ensure the quality of software products or services given by a company to its consumers. Quality assurance is concerned with enhancing the software development process and making it more efficient and effective in accordance with the quality standards established for software products. Quality assurance testing is also known as QA testing.

The PDCA cycle, often known as the Deming cycle, is a specified cycle in quality assurance methods. This cycle has the following phases:

  • Plan: The organization should plan and develop process-related objectives and identify the processes required to deliver a high-quality final product.
  • Do: Testing and process development, as well as “do” changes to the processes.
  • Check: Monitoring processes, modifying processes, and determining whether they reach predetermined goals.
  • Act: A Quality Assurance tester should carry out the measures required to improve the procedures.

These procedures are repeated on a regular basis to guarantee that the organization’s processes are examined and improved.

Automated Software Testing from Decimal

Modern software development has been altered by automated testing. It is arguably a major enabler of app growth during the last decade. All tests had to be done manually prior to test automation. This was time-consuming, error-prone, and costly. As a result, QA teams were frequently viewed as a roadblock to software release.

Any solution that allows you to run your tests without human intervention is considered automated testing. Traditionally, testing was done manually. A human performs a series of processes to determine whether or not things are functioning as predicted. In contrast, an automated test is created once and then run whenever it is required.

Unit testing has long been automated by developers. That is the tests that determine whether or not a given function is functioning properly. Then, frameworks for automated testing, such as Selenium, were created. These enable automated testing of modules or full applications.

These frameworks enable a test script to interact with your UI, simulating user actions. For example, they let you locate and click on a certain button. Alternatively, find a text entry box and correctly fill it out. They also allow you to confirm that the test was successfully finished.

Why is it better to get automated software testing services from Decimal

Simply put, Decimal’s automated testing services help you to test more, quicker, and more efficiently. More particular, it provides the following advantages:

  • Improved Scale: The scale at which your test team performs is transformed when your tests are automated. This is due to the fact that computers can run tests 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even your most dedicated quality engineers can only work 60 hours a week! As a result, you can run a lot more tests with the same resources. This is significant since test engineers are a limited resource.
  • Enhances Delivery Speed: You’re undoubtedly constantly under pressure to deploy new features. However, launching a defective program can quickly undo all of those improvements. Automated testing dramatically accelerates regression testing. As a result, the period between incorporating a new feature and releasing it is reduced. Finally, the faster you release new features, the more competitive edge you will have over your competitor.
  • Streamlined Releases: The conventional approach to software development involves performing all testing after the product has been built. However, if you employ test automation, you can constantly re-test your application while it is being developed. You can perform smoke tests whenever new code is pushed. As soon as a new feature is stable, it can be tested. This means that your entire release process will become more efficient and simplified.

With the information technology boom and increased usage of software across all sectors of the economy, the market is filled with various tools for automated testing services. Hence it becomes very important to choose the right automated software testing services.

When it comes to choosing the best test automation tool, there are several factors to consider. The below information will help you make an informed decision.

  • Ease of use and test creation: Some applications have an extremely steep learning curve. Selenium, for example, requires you to learn a new programming language in order to develop test scripts. Other tools, such as those that need you to set up and manage a big test infrastructure, may pose issues while executing tests.
  • Support for multiple platforms/browsers: Cross-platform and cross-browser testing are critical components of any system or acceptance testing. You must determine how simple it is to perform your tests on the various browsers and platforms that your application supports. This frequently necessitates rewriting the test for each browser.
  • Ease of analysis: When it comes to testing analysis, not all tools are created equal. Some offer attractive dashboards that display the results of your tests, which tests failed, how frequently they were run, and so on. Others may require you to create reports in order to obtain this information. There are also significant disparities in the types of metrics collected in parallel. For example, does a page suddenly take considerably longer to load than it used to?
  • Flexibility: The greatest frameworks and technologies enable you to execute various sorts of testing. As a result, you might be able to conduct smoke tests, regression tests, API tests, and performance tests all in the same tool. Be wary of the “jack of all trades, master of none” trap. No single framework can accommodate all of the testing types indicated above. And if they say they will look for areas where they are cutting corners.
  • Power Features: The top test automation tools will provide you with a lot of advanced capabilities. These include data-driven testing, the flexibility to set custom metrics or test criteria, and the ability to design orchestrations that combine independent tests.

As testing is a very crucial part of the software development process, having the right testing experts in your team becomes indispensable. As maintaining a testing team is often very expensive for small software development firms, it is a wise decision to hire a software testing services company like Decimal.

Such testing companies have all the required testing experts and provides all types of testing services, including mobile application testing services and software test automation services, etc.